Ray Talks Live
A modern discussion on educating today's youth straight from an urban high school teacher. This podcast also discusses other topics such as Sports, History/Politics, Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando, Marriage, and Family. So be sure to hit that subscribe button to get notifications when new episodes drop.
Ray Talks Live
Parents, Teachers and COVID-19
How the value and appreciation of teachers changed dramatically during 2020. Prior to COVID-19 and the shutdown, teachers were respected to some degree. However, that completely changed when parents had to become teachers with their children those last few months of the 2019-2020 school year. Then all of a sudden, teachers are given all this praise, great respect and appreciation, and calls for higher pay/salary. But as the 2020-2021 school year started, there was this sudden pushback of opening schools virtually and feedback of calling teachers lazy and that they don't want to work. Seriously??!!!
Season 2 Episode 2:
Part 2--Parents, Teachers and COVID-19
Season 2 Episode 17:
Finale--Parents, Teachers and COVID-19
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