Ray Talks Live
A modern discussion on educating today's youth straight from an urban high school teacher. This podcast also discusses other topics such as Sports, History/Politics, Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando, Marriage, and Family. So be sure to hit that subscribe button to get notifications when new episodes drop.
Ray Talks Live
Disney bound for Spring Break 2022
In this episode, I briefly talk about getting ready to visit Walt Disney World during spring break. How crowded will it be for spring break? But the bigger question: Is Disney Genie+ worth the upcharge of $15/person per day at the parks???? I'm going to already commit to buying Genie+ for the family on the day we visit Magic Kingdom.
Have you visited the Disney theme parks recently? How were the crowd levels? Did you pay the $15 for Genie+ when you visited and was it worth it?
***Photo Courtesy: Walt Disney World (Pinterest)
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