Ray Talks Live
A modern discussion on educating today's youth straight from an urban high school teacher. This podcast also discusses other topics such as Sports, History/Politics, Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando, Marriage, and Family. So be sure to hit that subscribe button to get notifications when new episodes drop.
Ray Talks Live
The Return!
Ray Talks
Season 5
Episode 1
Ray Talks Live returns after a three-month hiatus and is ready for 2022. The addition of a newborn to the family and returning to the daily grind of a classroom educator led to a pause of this podcast. This episode is just a quick refresh and outlines a few topics for upcoming episodes.
Thanks for listening and make sure to subscribe! Follow on social media:
- Twitter: @raytalkslive
- Facebook: @raytalkslive
- Instagram: @raytalks_live
- Email: raytalkslive@gmail.com