Ray Talks Live
Ray Talks Live
Reopening Schools 2021-2022
The CDC has given school districts across the country the green light to reopen schools for 100% in-person learning for the upcoming school year. How will schools look in this post-COVID-19 world come August? Face masks, social distancing, contact tracing, Zoom and Microsoft Teams: Will it continue?
Season 1 Episode 12:
Parents, Teachers and COVID-19
Season 2 Episode 2:
Part 2--Parents, Teachers and COVID-19
Support: Free Lunch Coffee
If you love drinking coffee and want to help end child hunger. There is no better way then by visiting Free Lunch Coffee whose coffee is Specialty Grade, Certified Organic & Fair Trade. When you buy just one bag of coffee, you will provide 10 meals to children in need. You will also receive a 10% discount at checkout by using the coupon code: raytalkslive
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